[nycphp-talk] Uploading file with PHP

Tom tom at
Fri Nov 19 16:54:51 EST 2004

Are you using Apache 2x?  What does it say in php.conf for the
limitrequest size?


On Fri, 2004-11-19 at 16:38, Joseph Crawford wrote:
> guys i am having a load of an error here and i cannot track it down
> i am running php 4.3.8 on linux and apache 2
> now i am trying to submit a form with 2 file upload fields on the
> form, i have named the fields name="files[]" and in my code when the
> form is submitted i print_r both $_FILES and $HTTP_POST_FILES
> now here is my problem, they both return an empty array ???
> my php.ini says file_uploads is On and the file sizes are not breaking
> the 2mb limit set in the php.ini
> this is on my dev server so i cannot post a url to a phpinfo page
> since my ISP blocks my web server, so what i have done is ran it
> locally and saved the source to an html file and posted it on
> if anyone can come up with any reasons as to why this would be
> happening i would apprectiate it.  I have been fighting with this for
> hours.
> here is the code after the form is submitted.
> if( isset( $_POST['submit'] ) ) {
> 	echo '<pre>';
> 	print_r($HTTP_POST_FILES);
> 	echo '</pre>';
> 	echo '<pre>';
> 	print_r($_FILES);
> 	echo '</pre>';
> }
Tom Melendez
Senior Software Developer        
BASCOM Global Internet Services, Inc.
Phone : 631-434-6600
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