[nycphp-talk] OT: Enterprise Java Development

Thomas O'Neill tommyo at
Mon Nov 29 10:09:49 EST 2004

Hey Guys,

Recently I had the pleasure of reading "Advanced PHP Programming" by
George Schlossnagle.  (thanks george.. great book!) It really helped
me learn how to develop in PHP at more of an enterprise level.

I was wondering if anyone could recommend a similar book for J2EE web
development.  I am a newbie to the world of java.  Short of a few
classes in college, I have little experience.  I understand the syntax
and how to use so I have somewhere to start from.

I have a project coming up where I will need to use java.  I want to
be able to correctly design and implement this web application using
Java.  I don't want to hack my way through it as a PHP programmer.

Recommendations Anyone??

Tom O'Neill
tommyo at

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