[nycphp-talk] connecting objects and relations

Hans Zaunere hans at
Sat Oct 2 20:43:25 EDT 2004

> Thought this would spice things up on the list ;-)
> Years ago, I asked a perl guru friend of mine what he used to connect
> application objects and relational data.  Certain he would provide
> insight, he replied that there was nothing to use, and he built his
> own stuff for each and every project.
> That did provide insight - that there was no easy solution ;-)
> I then spent several years in Zopeland, living with this frightening
> thing called Zope Object DataBase (ZODB).  Not mapping to relations,
> this was a true object database.  This was really great, until you
> needed to access it from outside Zope however...
> I've just been pointed at Propel:
> Instead of a pure relational or object environment, Propel takes PHP
> (5) objects and maps them to a relational schema.  This concept was
> brought over from Java, and similar exist for just about all the other
> application languages - so it is not a surprise to be coming to PHP.
> Anyone at NYPHP have experience with this strange yet beautiful
> environment?  Ease of use?  Performance?

Those who know me will expect this response:  I don't think it makes
sense :)

Not too mention a performance hit, the relational and objective models
don't mesh well in my opinion - they are really different animals.  In
fact, there are object-based databases, but they have had limited
success from my experience (again, though, I'm probably biased :)

That said, the propel implementation does look like a good one,
regardless of whether I think it's a good idea or not.  Seems like a
good presentation topic, too, if there's anyone who has found success
with it :)


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