[nycphp-talk] PHP AND AOL Instant Messenger

Matthew Terenzio webmaster at
Sun Oct 3 18:52:07 EDT 2004

On Oct 2, 2004, at 10:39 PM, ophir prusak wrote:

>  Actually, you CAN implement a chat client using only a web page.
>  Without going into to much detail, you have one frame which refreshes 
> every 5 seconds or so to check if there are any new messages.
>  If there are it pushes the message to the chat window.
Jabbix was formerly an open source project called web messenger. I 
ported a version to postgres at one point.

But I believe I remember the main author saying he didn't poll the 
server with new HTTP requests, but kept the connection open, which is 
why it wouldn't work through a proxy. I have no idea how the current 
implementation works.

>  At one of my previous jobs I implemented the front end of such a 
> beast using only apache, php, mysql and javascript.
>  The javascript was more complex then anything I thought I'd ever do :)
>  Looking at i see they seem to be doing the same thing more 
> or less:
> Q: Technically speaking, how does this service work?
> A: Jabbix Messenger uses a combination of PHP+MySQL (on the server 
> side) and XHTML+CSS+JavaScript (on the client side). The PHP back-end 
> transmits commands to the browser in realtime, which are then executed 
> using JavaScript to create an interactive interface without the use of 
> plug-ins. On the server-side, Jabbix Messenger uses Jabber technology 
> to communicate with other Jabber servers and other third-party chat 
> networks.
>  _______________________________________________
> New York PHP Talk
> Supporting AMP Technology (Apache/MySQL/PHP)
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