[nycphp-talk] Search By Distance In Miles

John Lacey jlacey at
Tue Oct 5 13:46:08 EDT 2004

>>i know you can use a lon/lat database to search for things X miles
>>from a zip code, has anyone here ever had the challenge of marking an
>>address as the center of a radius and searching for other addresses
>>within 3 miles of that address?
>>i am asking because a potential client only delivers up to 3.5 miles
>>from his shop, however he has over 20,000 customers in that small
>>area.  Now have you ever heard of doing a search to find out if an
>>address is 3.5 miles from his shop address? the client checked with
>>mapquest and they want something like $35,000 a year to provide him
>>with this service.

don't have any experience with this yet, but have you looked into 
MySQL's GIS features


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