[nycphp-talk] simple problem with sessions

Aaron Fischer agfische at
Fri Oct 8 23:10:50 EDT 2004

I actually am using an absolute URL with the location header.  
full_url.php was my analogy for the actual URL.  Sorry for the 

$_GET reveals an empty array.
$_COOKIE reveals:
[PHPSESSID] => d53035174762f0fc192a1c3d3bd60067


On Oct 8, 2004, at 10:48 PM, Chris Shiflett wrote:

> That's an incorrect use of the Location header - it requires an 
> absolute
> URL, not a relative one. This misuse has been known to cause problems 
> with
> certain browsers where cookies are not included in the request for the 
> new
> URL. This might be your problem.

> When debugging these types of problems, it's usually best to assume 
> that
> PHP is not making an error. :-) How could it - PHP is perfect! Just
> kidding, but it is the least likely source of the problem.
> What is the problem then? Well, 9 times out of 10, it's that the 
> browser
> doesn't properly identify itself. The best way to determine this is to
> dump both the $_GET and $_COOKIE superglobals. I have a feeling this 
> will
> reveal the problem, and it might be the improper use of the Location
> header that is causing it.
> Hope that helps.
> Chris
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