[nycphp-talk] multiple object instantiations in a single script

Dan Cech dcech at
Sat Oct 9 07:57:48 EDT 2004

Matthew Terenzio wrote:
> What a weird subject line. Is it an OOP or procedural question?
> What I mean is. . .
> Well, suppose you have a User class and  a register() function in the 
> class.
> Then on a given script/page you are looping through some values and you 
> want to create a new User and register it every time through the loop.
> Of course it doesn't work because you can't do something like:
> $name = new User;
> more than once.

Actually, this will work just fine.

> 1) Do most people use dynamically named variables?

Very rarely, it's generally clearer to use an array if you want to keep 
the variable for later, or just unset/reuse it.


$users = array();
foreach ($signups as $id => $signup) {
   $users[$id] = new User();


foreach ($signups as $signup) {
   $user = new User();

the call to unset is optional, if you leave it out the variable $user 
will be overwritten on each iteration through the loop.


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