[nycphp-talk] Marginally OT: dedicated hosting

Matthew Juszczak matt at
Thu Oct 14 22:47:12 EDT 2004

Mind if I give ya a ring too?  I'd like to know, I'm also looking.

> mitch - give me a call I'll point out the ones I use and have been quite 
> happy with.
> Dan Horning
> dan.horning at Chief
> Operations Officer / Owner   Lightning Bug Logistics, Inc.
> 1-800-863-3854 ext. 502              1-518-894-4155 Private Line
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: talk-bounces at
>> [mailto:talk-bounces at] On Behalf Of Mitch Pirtle
>> Sent: Thursday, October 14, 2004 8:01 PM
>> To: NYPHP Talk
>> Subject: [nycphp-talk] Marginally OT: dedicated hosting
>> Hi gang,
>> Being that I host several PHP driven websites, this isn't
>> completely off topic.
>> I used to use RackSpace, but the high prices didn't match the
>> nonexistant service.  So I switched to Server Beach, where the prices 
>> rocked but they refused to provide backups, even when I offered to pay 
>> extra.  So I switched to aPlus (who got a high rating as a hosting 
>> provider) - and was lied to by the sales agent up front; lied to by 
>> another who promised a customer I referred I would get credited one 
>> month; and then told to bugger off when I had complaints.  And after 
>> half a year their backup is still not implemented anyway!
>> Are any of you out there happy with a dedicated provider, and paying
>> in the $100 - $250 range?  Do you get backups?  Do you get printed 
>> invoices?  Do you speak with a human when something goes wrong?
>> I'm looking to mirror Mambo in the US, and also am gearing up to
>> launch a new online magazine (more on that later, the domain will blow 
>> your minds), and have no interest in spam or pr0n - my content may be 
>> misspelled, but is nevertheless clean.
>> Anybody out there lend a helping hand to a distressed and
>> distraught soul?
>> -- Mitch, devastated and annoyed at the threat of looming DNS updates
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