[nycphp-talk] Marginally OT: dedicated hosting

Rolan Yang rolan at
Sun Oct 17 09:54:55 EDT 2004

I started out with dedicated machines at Exodus, then moved to Dialtone 
(Miami center), which was bought out by Interland, then to I also have a virtual server with johncompanies as a 
backup. With the exception of Exodus, I still run machines at all the 
above data centers. I have set up a web of nagios machines at those 
sites (and a few others) monitoring  each other for uptime.

Rackshack as decent prices and offer plenty of bandwidth (Haven't 
shopped around lately so I don't know if they are still competitive).
Johncompanies offers reasonable prices and prompt personal service.
Dialtone used to be a very reliable provider, but after they were bought 
out by Interland everything went down the tubes. I still host some 
servers with them only because it is a pain to migrate services that 
require 24/7 uptime.


Chris Shiflett wrote:

>--- Mitch Pirtle <mitch.pirtle at> wrote:
>>Are any of you out there happy with a dedicated provider, and
>>paying in the $100 - $250 range?
>I don't use them (yet), but I've heard good things about these guys:
>This is who uses, and they can handle a Slashdotting just fine
>(it happens frequently for them, so this was a requirement). At
>$105/month, it seems pretty reasonable, especially given the high level of
>service I've heard and read about.

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