[nycphp-talk] Automatically create an object from a form

Christopher Merlo cmerlo441 at
Tue Oct 19 11:36:34 EDT 2004

Hello, folks.  I'm not sure that what I want to do is possible.  If it
is, I'm sure it takes a lot more JavaScript than I know (which is
precious little).

PHP 4.3.2 on Apache on Linux.  I would like to create an object of a
PHP class by choosing an element from an HTML select drop-down box,
and using the selected value to specify a parameter to the object's
constructor.  (Then, if the selection changes, throw out the old
object, and create a new one in its place, with the newly-selected
value being sent to the constructor.)

Can I do this?  TIA,

cmerlo441 at

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