[nycphp-talk] recommended introductory PHP text

David Sklar sklar at
Thu Sep 9 11:15:21 EDT 2004

David Mintz wrote:

>> Suppose you were teaching a PHP course (10 sessions x 3 hrs)  to people
>> who knew only HTML. What book(s) would you recommend?
>> Programming PHP (Lerdorf & Tatroe) is already on the list. Something that
>> introduces the reader to some of the universals of progamming languages --
>> variables, conditionals, loops -- would be helpful.

Mitch Pirtle wrote:

> Just recieved a review copy of "Learning PHP 5" by David Sklar, and it
> also looks like a good starting point that also IMHO most importantly
> covers PHP 5 from the start.  Looking forward to getting that review
> done, as the book appears promising ;-)

Yeah, I was going to recommend that one, too. :) I specifically tried to 
cover in the beginning of the book those universals David mentions. My 
target reader is someone who is comfortable with HTML, has maybe seen a 
little Javascript, but really has no procedural programming experience.


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