[nycphp-talk] caching queries

Alan T. Miller amiller at
Mon Apr 4 08:57:37 EDT 2005

It sounds like you may benefit from caching the whole page, take a look at 
the PEAR Cache_Lite Class, may be just what you need. At least I am using it 
for something very similar.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Rahmin Pavlovic" <rahmin at>
To: "NYPHP Talk" <talk at>
Sent: Monday, April 04, 2005 5:47 AM
Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] caching queries

> Daniel Convissor wrote:
>> On Sun, Apr 03, 2005 at 08:06:32PM -0400, Rahmin Pavlovic wrote:
>>>So I'm trying to come up other ways to cache db content for 5-10 min 
>> Are you caching queries or are you caching the HTML output of scripts 
>> that are generated using information from a database?
> I'd like to cache the database content being dressed up in HTML for any 
> page requests within a given timeframe, say 10 minutes.  So if database 
> records are updated at minute 2, all subsequent page requests will still 
> see the old content until minute 10.
> The goal is to avoid hitting the database with every page request, rather 
> pulling new content once per interval.
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