[nycphp-talk] New from Quebec and a question about groupware

Cedric Fontaine cfontaine at
Thu Apr 7 12:08:07 EDT 2005

Hello !

I was in phpquebec 2005 conference and was in both Chris Hendry  and 
Hans Kaspersetz sessions...Of course, it was very interesting and they 
also told us that we should join this very good discussion list... 
That's what I've done now !

So, my first question now.
I've to switch from tutos ( to 
a more convenient and friendly product.
Users told me that tutos is really too difficult and a too big product.

So, Chris and Hans spoke a lot about Mambo and mambo modules...

Is there a similar product (like Tutos) more user friendly and in which 
I could easily tweak or add functionnality easily ?

Thanks for your help !


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