[nycphp-talk] memcache

Hans Zaunere lists at
Sat Apr 23 20:21:02 EDT 2005

> I'm considering using memcache
> ( in conjunction with a
> project I'm currently working on.  The other developer on my team is
> researching Perl/PHP app servers, and my theory is that since this is
> a single machine web server (no room for wiggle room on this from the
> client) the performance hit isn't worth the hassle of installing and
> maintaining.
> Has anyone on the list used memcache before?
> How did it work out?  Was it useful?  Buggy?  Persnickety?
> Did it introduce performace problems?

I haven't used it much myself, but know of several cases where people are happy with it in production.

Hans Zaunere
President, Founder

New York PHP

AMP Technology
Supporting Apache, MySQL and PHP

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