[nycphp-talk] Re: Monitoring for Bounce Mail

John Nunez john at
Thu Apr 28 22:41:52 EDT 2005

Sorry, I just have a script that I wrote 2 years ago. It goes through a 
database table of email addresses and transmits the newsletter to them. 
  The only alteration I have made in the last two years is transmit in 
batches. I don't use any software because some of the sign ups are via 
email, http, user registrations via US Mail and the new one will be 
straight from a desktop application.


On Apr 28, 2005, at 10:13 PM, Faber Fedor wrote:

> On 28/04/05 21:51 -0400, John Nunez wrote:
>> What I need is to remove the bounced email addresses from my Mailing
>> List. I send out a monthly newsletter and get back a lot of bounced
>> backs.
> Could you at least tell us which mailing list software are you using?

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