[nycphp-talk] Experts help needed (Sessions)

Joseph Crawford codebowl at
Tue Aug 2 13:28:52 EDT 2005


I just submitted an order for this book hopefully it will help me with this 
stuff ;)

Anyone here that can explain why this is happening?

with the current session class found below this is the issue

when the CheckSession method is called it compares the IP addresses from 
when the session first started and the current IP address. X.X.X.* (I am 
also trying to think of a non ip way to compare) it has no problems finding 
that it is a hijacked session, however when i call the destroy method (also 
tried session_unset(); session_destroy(); and get the same results) it 
deletes the hijacked session so the session_destroy() works. What it is 
doing (side effect of my coding i think) is keeping all the session info 
such as $this->_page, $this->_browser, $this->_ses_id, etc... and just 
inserting a new record with your IP etc.. but the $_SESSION info is retained 
so you still in essence get the hijacked data. Also session_destroy() 
whatever is happening after that allows you to keep the same session_id as 
the hijacked session, so when you look in the db all that changes really is 
the users IP address.

you can only see the results if you have DB access to change the IP in your 
session record or you have 2 machines with different ip addresses.

Joseph Crawford Jr.
Codebowl Solutions, Inc.
codebowl at
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