[nycphp-talk] Experts help needed (Sessions)

Dan Cech dcech at
Wed Aug 3 10:57:15 EDT 2005


That is because the session data is not written until you close the 
page, so the updated data isn't visible until the page is refreshed.

If you want to be able to see the current data, you need to rework the 
way the system is designed to write that data on page load rather than 
when the session is saved, or determine it on page load, store/display 
it in/from a global variable and write it with the session.


Joseph Crawford wrote:
> ok so i finally got the session stuff working, everything is working as 
> expected... almost
> if you go to 
> and refresh a few times, keep your eye on the Type icon. then click the 
> Test2 link, notice the Type icon hasnt changed, refresh it changes. 
> Everything seems to be 1 page behind. Anyone know of a work around for this, 
> aside from adding a refresh to each page.

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