[nycphp-talk] FW: Is the web's love affair with PHP over?

leam at leam at
Fri Aug 5 08:07:05 EDT 2005

On Fri, Aug 05, 2005 at 07:39:00AM -0400, Hans Zaunere wrote:
> > A followup on yesterdays's article on PHP, Perl & Python. Looks like
> > Zend has been put very much on the defensive...
> > 
> > Is the web's love affair with PHP over?
> > By Gavin Clarke in San Francisco
> > Published Thursday 4th August 2005 22:39 GMT
> > 
> > If Evans Data Corp (EDC) is to believed, then some big names in
> > enterprise systems have been rash in their support for open source scripting
> > language PHP. 


So, what does EDC do when they sober up and try to do real work? Having seen how the "big boys" play with their Java based Webspehre and Weblogic, I'll take PHP nay day. So far PHP hasn't taken several minutes to start up, hasn't dropped half-gig core files on my server, and hasn't required a slew of developers to get simple tasks done.

I'm personally getting disgusted with the news media. They take something they know nothing about and try to get ratings by making whatever they stumble across seem important.

Back to something of interest. This past weekend I noticed something funny, keep an eye out and it might return. Or maybe I'm just inhaling the same fumes as EDC. I normally keep a tab on, using Firefox 1.0.6 on Fedora Core 4. Several times this past weekend the little icon on CNN's tab turned to the 4 "S" logo of Sun! Too funny...



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