[nycphp-talk] September Talk

Timothy Boronczyk tboronczyk at
Sat Aug 13 01:37:36 EDT 2005

The PHP Security Audit HOWTO sounds really interesting.

I disagree that something with sessions wouldn't be all that 
interesting, though.  Of course you'd have to put a new twist on it... 
instead of the same old custom storage of session data in a MySQL 
database, perhaps store them in an IMAP mailbox, shared memory segment, 
"duplexing" session tracking data to an audit printer in real time, 
etc.  I dunno, maybe it's just late and I need some sleep.


Chris Shiflett wrote:

>I'll be giving September's talk and wanted to offer a few possibilities 
>to see what people are interested in hearing - if anything.  :-)  The talk 
>I give doesn't have to be an existing talk but can be a medley of topics 
>of your choosing, so feel free to mix and match or suggest specific 
>areas of interest.
>1. PHP Security Briefing
>    Beginner/Lecture
>    60 Minutes
>2. PHP Security Audit HOWTO
>    Intermediate/Lecture
>    60 Minutes
>The first is a general talk covering many bases, including best 
>practices, common vulnerabilities, and popular attacks. The second is a 
>more specific talk that describes the art of the PHP security audit, 
>including tips that I've picked up over the last few years.
>Other topics I can speak on include HTTP, state, and sessions, although 
>these tend to be a bit less exciting.  :-) 

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