[nycphp-talk] 'CHECK TABLE' syntax for Postgres

Jayesh Sheth jay_nyphp at
Thu Aug 18 11:21:31 EDT 2005

Hello all,

I am back from the land of the disappeared. How has the weather in
NYPHPland been since I was gone?

I have a question that I hope some Postgres gurus could answer. MySQL
lets you run a query with the syntax 'CHECK TABLE my_table' to see what
is wrong with it. More info:

I was wondering if Postgres has something similar, or if it uses an
external tool. I did a fair bit of Googling, but have come up with
nothing so far.

Also - does it have something similar to MySQL's 'REPAIR TABLE' syntax
if problems are found and tables need to be repaired? More info:

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,

- Jay

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