[nycphp-talk] Newbie needs help - why PHP over ASP?

Patrick Ramsden patrick at
Tue Aug 23 10:02:18 EDT 2005

> A silly question perhaps but I'm fairly new to PHP and looking to
> some work on a new MySQL driven website - I have been asked to
> reasons why PHP is a better option than ASP.

I'm a big PHP fan, but the choice should come down to programmer
experience and the technology infrastructure.

If they have Windows Servers, IIS, ASP.NET and Visual Studio (and
preferably SQL Server), the company has people experienced
maintaining them, and there isn't much of a likelihood that the
environment will change, then ASP can be a good choice.  I don't know
how well it plays with MySQL, though, but seems like it should.

I chose PHP over .NET from a cost perspective.  All of the MS
technologies above cost $$$, whereas many flavors of Linux, Apache,
PHP, MySQL and a good PHP editor/IDE (I use Eclipse and Subclipse)
can be had for free.


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