[nycphp-talk] mysql question

David Mintz dmintz at
Tue Aug 23 10:44:29 EDT 2005

On Tue, 23 Aug 2005, Frank Wong wrote:

> Marcin Szkudlarek wrote:
> >I have a simple table like this
> >
> >create table numbers (user int, number int);
> >insert into numbers (user, number) values (1, 1);
> >insert into numbers (user, number) values (1, 9);
> >insert into numbers (user, number) values (1, 5);
> >
> >is it possible in mysql to write a query which gives me a result (1 row):
> >"1,9,5" ?
> >
> >Marcin
> >
> >
> As far as I know, that cannot be done with a single query.  Your best
> bet is to query (SELECT number FROM numbers) then programatically get
> your results to the comma delimited format you want.  It can also be
> done using stored procedures if the database you are using supports
> stored procedures.

I would bet there is some really perverse virtuoso contortion you could do
involving concat() and sub-SELECTs, but yeah, go with doing it

Haiku, anyone?

David Mintz

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