[nycphp-talk] Connect to MSSQL Database with PHP and ADODB

Randal Rust randalrust at
Wed Dec 7 19:30:33 EST 2005

I have inherited a .NET app that I am converting over to PHP/MySQL.
The first big hurdle is to convert the database.

I have setup SQL Server Express 2005 and done a restore of the DB, so
I can at least see the structure and the data.

I am trying to use ADODB to connect to the database, but with no luck.
I set SQL server up so that it uses Windows Authentication when I
login (no username/password) required.  The server name is

I have a database class that I use to create the connection (see
below). I'm sure that whatever it is I don't have correct is simple,
but I cannot find anything via Google that is providing any answers,
so any help would be greatly appreciated. TIA.


class DB {

	var $conn;
	function DB (){
		//include 'adodb/';
		$this->conn =& ADONewConnection('mssql');
			else {
		return $conn;


Randal Rust

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