[nycphp-talk] PHP/MySQL Migration Path

Hans Zaunere lists at
Mon Dec 12 23:23:46 EST 2005

Lance Lovette wrote on Monday, December 12, 2005 12:38 PM:
> I'm currently running PHP 4.3 and MySQL 4.0. I'm planning my migration
> path to PHP 5 and MySQL 5. The question is, can I migrate each product
> individually, and if so, which should/must be migrated first. For
> stability reasons, I'd rather not have to migrate both at the same time,
> and I'd really prefer to upgrade MySQL first. Can PHP 4.3 connect to
> MySQL 5 at all? Has anyone else been down this path?

Yes - and it's a very delicate path.

Without knowing anything about your application, I'd lean towards upgrading
PHP first.  Focus on the application code first - it's what does the work;
the database will continue to serve data, regardless.  In addition, MySQL
5.0 requires new client libs for the most part, of which PHP 4.3 isn't
always the most comfortable with and the new object model (among other
things) in PHP 5 may through your application into some unexpected behavior.
As a first step, in a development environment, upgrade to PHP 5.1 and test,
test, test your application against a database of the same schema and

Hans Zaunere / President / New York PHP  /

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