[nycphp-talk] [OT] Googl Results Layout

inforequest 1j0lkq002 at
Wed Dec 14 16:46:08 EST 2005

Google Base, which is already the largest spam dump since Froogle.

Make a faux blog for your commercial website, and viola, Google promotes it.
Add fake "user galleries" that are simply your own product images, and 
Google promotes it.
Everybody knows that user-contributed "classifieds" are an AdSense 
magnet. Add those, too.

It does require someone taking ownership of the site, which assigns an 
IP etc. which Google can then use to tie websites together, uncover link 
networks and the like, so I can assume the spaminess won't last forever. 
But then again, Google Base may not last forever, either.

Your client should tread lightly in the SEO world right now.... there is 
plenty of baiting going on.

-=john andrews

Joseph Crawford |nyphp dev/internal group use| wrote:

> Guys,
> A client of mine recently asked how they could get results like this 
> in google
> <>
> Look at the first result, they have links to thier blog, picture 
> gallery, etc..  Is that something you have to setup in google or is 
> that based on the
> description tag, which for that site i see to be
><meta name="description" content=
>" <> Picture Hosting" />
><meta name=
>"description" content=" <> Classifieds" /
> Thanks,
> -- 
> Joseph Crawford Jr.
> Zend Certified Engineer
> Codebowl Solutions, Inc.
> 1-802-671-2021
> codebowl at <mailto:codebowl at>

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