[nycphp-talk] OT: Freelance PHP gig Not Paying up!

Keith Casey mailinglists at
Thu Dec 22 11:08:16 EST 2005

Anthony Papillion wrote:
> A few months ago, I got stiffed on a $3200 contract and I was seriously 
> considering doing the exact same thing. I found out though that, unless 
> your contract has very specific language that allows you to do so, 
> taking the site down can result in you being successfully sued. 
> Especially if they are making money on it. 

Same case.  Same dollar amount.  Same client?  hmmm...

Yes, I have customer who has done the same thing.  Unless your contract 
explicitly says something like "If you don't pay within N days, I take 
back my property" you'll regret even considering it.  Potential damages, 
unauthorized access to systems, etc... just don't do it.  Of course, if 
you can get an injunction preventing them from using it...

My client makes an average of $10k/transaction and 8-10 
transactions/month.  And he's getting pissy over this tiny amount.  Face 
it, some people are just punks.  While you'd like to hurt their dog, you 
need to be bigger than that and learn from the experience.

Just be sure to *never* sign a confidentiality agreement about the 
experience.  You never know when you can save someone else a hassle...

D. Keith Casey Jr.
CEO, CaseySoftware, LLC

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