[nycphp-talk] Re: XML(?) problem

Faber Fedor faber at
Fri Feb 25 19:10:31 EST 2005

On 25/02/05 18:45 -0500, corey szopinski wrote:
> I¹ve just gone through something similar.

Since you've obviously survived it, that gives me hope. :-)

> I read somewhere that the xml request object likes to see that the content
> is served up as XML, so either the file extension ends in .xml or you have
> the header set as header("Content-type: text/xml");

I'll have to set the header then, because ulitmately it's going to be a
PHP file.

> I¹m not sure if this makes any difference or not, but I have gotten it work.
> I¹d also try alert(response); and make sure you get [object], if not, then
> you know that something¹s not coming through correctly.

You're right.  I get NULL when I do alert(req.responseXML).  Now how the
$#%^ do I debug this?

> You can also pass your xmldoc into this quick and dirty recursive function
> to see what you¹re working with:

I'll give it a shot even if I am on Firefox. ;-)


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