[nycphp-talk] Where does Zend's Development Environment find its PHP extensions?

Ophir Prusak prusak at
Fri Jan 7 16:43:00 EST 2005

I think you might be better off using server side debugging, even if
you want to test out code on your local machine (and use localhost as
the server).

Zend Studio has two components. The client side IDE (which also
includes the Zend Engine) and a server side component which allows you
to do server side debugging.

That way you can setup your PHP environment the "normal" way.

Let me know if how things turn out for you.


On Fri, 07 Jan 2005 13:48:31 -0500, Jayesh Sheth
<jayeshsh at> wrote:
> Hello all,
> Just recently did I get around to trying Zend's Development Environment
> (ZDE) from the CD distributed at the NYTCHP. So far it looks like a
> great product.
> I was especially interested in learning about the integrated debugger,
> but ran into some problems with it.
> Some background information:
> I chose to install ZDE with PHP5 support on Windows XP.
> ZDE bundles a PHP 5 CGI binary stored in C:\Program Files\Zend\bin\php5
> The integrated debugger uses this binary to parse and execute scripts,
> and to show their output
> I was using the 'local debugger', not the 'server debugger'.
> You can debug a file with the following contents to see which extensions
> the Zend PHP binary supports: <?php phpinfo(); ?>
> The output of that file lists a whole bunch of extensions, but I could
> not find them anywhere in the C:\Program Files\Zend\ directory! (There
> was no 'ext' subdirectory' and there were no .dll files)
> The php.ini file is also stored in the same location
> The php.ini file contains only three lines:
> zend_extension_ts=C:\Program Files\Zend\lib\php5\ZendDebuggerLocal.dll
> zend_debugger.allow_hosts=
> session.save_path=C:\Program Files\Zend\tmp
> I then tried to debug a file with a call to mysql_connect() but that
> resulted in the output of 'undefined function', so I am now trying to
> find out how I can make Zend's PHP binary support it.
> It is probably compiled without MySQL support, but would swapping in
> another PHP CGI binary help? I was thinking it would not, because this
> seems to be a custom-built PHP binary.
> Any thoughts on this?
> Best regards,
> - Jay
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> New York PHP Talk
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