[nycphp-talk] if you were teaching PHP...

David Mintz dmintz at
Tue Jan 18 11:01:31 EST 2005

On Tue, 18 Jan 2005, Mitch Pirtle wrote:

> On Tue, 18 Jan 2005 10:35:08 -0500 (EST), David Mintz
> <dmintz at> wrote:
> >
> > Of course, I'm still not settled on the mysql(i) curriculum question that
> > brought me here, but what else is new?  With this as with so many other
> > questions, you gather information, then make your own decision;  there's
> > no one omniscient patriarch or omnipotent authority to tell you what to
> > do. (Hmm, good sermon to put into one of my lectures (-: )
> That's exactly why database abstraction is a necessity - with PEAR's
> DB or ADOdb it doesn't matter if you need mysql or mysqli (or any
> other database)...

PEAR is in there, absolutely. The only question is which if any native PHP
MySQL API to cover in addition.


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