[nycphp-talk] Re: Simple search engine

Faber Fedor faber at
Thu Jan 27 11:39:13 EST 2005

On 27/01/05 11:18 -0500, Ajai Khattri wrote:
> Faber Fedor wrote:
> >
> >I was going to use htdig but I can't get it installed on a RH8 box no
> >way no how. 
> >
> Did you visit RPM dependency hell? ;-)

Not quite.  The source won't compile because it can't find libstdc++/c++
compiler even though it's installed (presumably in a place that the
source can't find it).  

So I installed from the RPM which is a beta version of htdig.  That
aborts due to a NULL bug.  So I find the patch, grab the source RPM and
go about rebuilding the RPM.  Turns out I don't have various include
files, IOW I need an htdig-devel RPM which AKAICT doesn't exist for any
distro other than Mandrake.

At that point, I gave up.

I'm currently trying PHPDig but I'm stuck trying to find out where to
set the admin name/passwd in includes/config.php.


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