[nycphp-talk] Re: Consulting work

Josh McCormack joshmccormack at
Fri Jul 1 20:06:07 EDT 2005

Faber Fedor wrote:
> On 01/07/05 19:14 -0400, Chris Shiflett wrote:
> Huh? What crime?  If I offer someone $15 an hour to build me a website/cook a
> gourmet meal/perform heart surgery and they agree, what have *I* done wrong?
> Granted, I may get a crappy product/service but I may get a decent one
> as well.  

In my experience, if you can remove project managers, marketing types 
and others from the equation you can save. However, the less expensive a 
developer is, often the more detailed your specs need to be and the 
greater your supervision of the code.


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