[nycphp-talk] Re: Consulting work

Josh McCormack joshmccormack at
Sat Jul 2 07:22:42 EDT 2005

Faber Fedor wrote:
>>In my experience, if you can remove project managers, marketing types 
>>and others from the equation you can save. However, the less expensive a 
>>developer is, often the more detailed your specs need to be and the 
>>greater your supervision of the code.
> No argument there.  I just want to know what I have done wrong by
> offering and retaining a person at $15 per hour.

Nothing. For some people that isn't settling, that's the amount they're 
willing to take for the work they do (maybe they want to work from home, 
set their own hours, and that price works for them).

If we have problems with rates like that we have to differentiate 
ourselves so we can justify higher rates.


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