[nycphp-talk] Re: Consulting work

leam at leam at
Sat Jul 2 18:51:28 EDT 2005

On Sat, Jul 02, 2005 at 06:26:49PM -0400, Mitch Pirtle wrote:
> This ethical stance also has a flipside, and here is a real-life example:

(snipping a good example)

> It all perpetuates itself - if you give, you receive. There's really
> nothing else to it.
> --
> Mitch Pirtle
> Mambo Core Developer

I think this thought works both ways. If I'm a start-up struggling for survival and I need something done right and someone gives me a good job at a cut-rate I'll darn sure go back to that person first when there's another job. And I won't base my offer purely on "hey, you did it for $x.95 last time".  More like "Hey, you took a hit last time, let me pay you well on this one."

Personality seems to be a big factor, too. I think a lot of my decisions have been and will continue to be biased by interactions here. If I want to find someone to do something, I'll look here. A few weeks ago a potential client's need suggested a security code review. I knew who to ask--it's just that simple. 



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