[nycphp-talk] RE: Sending OCI array through XML_RPC

Michael Lynch mlynch at
Tue Jul 5 13:34:34 EDT 2005

Hi Daniel


Thanks for the reply. Apologies for not replying sooner.


I'm afraid I'm still stumped by converting a multi-row result into
something that XML_RPC can handle.


Lets say I get a result  as such from

"select * from emp" 


EMP_ID            EMP_NAME      EMP_SAL

123                   Fred                  1000

345                   Joe                   2000

678                   Tom                  5000


I convert the result into an array using oci_fetch


What happens next is where I get confused :


Do I loop through the rows and create an XML_RPC_Value of each row or is
it just for the overall result that I package it ?

Should I be using "array" or "struct" types ?





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