[nycphp-talk] php rpm for RH 7.3?

Leila Lappin damovand at
Thu Jul 7 22:51:25 EDT 2005

--- David Mintz <dmintz at> wrote:

> On Thu, 7 Jul 2005, Leila Lappin wrote:
> >
> > [snip]
> > Last week I finally upgraded from Redhat 9 to
> Fedora
> > Core 4, because I wanted to use PHP 5.  Now, with
> > Fedora upgrade, I no longer have to look for
> packages
> > everywhere.  Fedora comes with a utility (yum)
> that
> > links to specific repositories of upgrade rpm’s
> and
> > installs from those directly.  Life is getting
> easier
> > and better every day.
> Interesting -- I'm a fellow former RH9 user, now
> using Fedora 3 at work
> (Ubuntu at home), and I use rpms and yum and apt-get
> for nearly everything
> I can ~except~ Apache/MySQL/PHP, prefering instead
> to compile from source
> (or install the MySQL binaries from one of their
> tasty tarballs). That's
> because -- this is my ignorance speaking here -- I
> don't know how to find
> out what extensions are supported in e.g. the PHP
> binary that comes in the
> rpm, and where the rpm plans to put things, until
> after it's done. How's
> the Fedora 4 php rpm in this regard?
> I also like having the option of doing an upgrade
> NOW, when a new version
> comes out, instead of having to wait a couple days
> for an rpm to follow.
> ---
> David Mintz
> _______________________________________________
> New York PHP Talk Mailing List
> AMP Technology
> Supporting Apache, MySQL and PHP

Wow that is interesting,

Because I stick with rpm exactly for the reason you
don’t do rpm.  I find the standard option and
extension are perfectly sufficient for me. As for
upgrades, I never found immediate, and to some extent
continual upgrades, to my liking.  For example I had
PHP 4.1.xx with my RH9.  I waited until Fedora Core 5
to upgrade everything and with it move to PHP 5.

To answer your question, PHP5 upgrade was part of
Fedora Core 4 upgrade and the installation went
flawless.  The only things I had to install after the
upgrade were non-PHP related.  I had to install yum
and a couple python services that were needed for yum
rpm.  These weren’t part of the standard upgrade I
guess because I jumped directly to FC 4 and these were
part of the earlier versions of Fedora.  Then I had to
also install MySQL server.

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