[nycphp-talk] php install: "can't find mysql headers"

Hans Zaunere lists at
Mon Jul 11 10:17:04 EDT 2005

> Oh, boy, what a bunch of quality advice. Hans (and a couple of others I
> guess) hit it on the head:
> > It's probably a cross
> > compile/RPM issue/version mismatch.
> I had mismatching versions of the mysql rpms -- something like devel-
> 4.0.25,
> server-4.0.22, client-4.0.22.  Like Hans suggested, I wiped 'em all out,
> installed new packages (all 4.0.25) from MySQL AB, and recompiled PHP.
> Configure ('--with-mysql=/usr') ran without a hitch, as did the rest of
> the
> install.  Ace the installation problem.  Restart apache, and the segfaults
> go away, too, at least all the ones I've noticed so far.  Ace the segfault
> problem.
> This is great to know.  From what I saw on the web, these problems
> (apparently random segfaults from php/mysql; and "cannot find headers" in
> php compile) have hit a number of people, and none of them were lucky
> enough
> to find solutions this quickly; nobody suggested this cause to them, at
> least not in the online discussions.  Hopefully the next guy will either
> google up this list archive or have the good fortune of knowing a few
> folks
> who know their stuff.

Happy it worked out.  Version mismatch problems are an often cause for
segfaults.  If you have any notes/articles written up, we can get them
online at too.

Hans Zaunere
President, Founder

New York PHP

AMP Technology
Supporting Apache, MySQL and PHP

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