[nycphp-talk] [OT] Consulting work

Matt Morgan matt at
Thu Jun 2 22:27:48 EDT 2005

Mitch Pirtle wrote:

>On 6/2/05, Joseph Crawford <codebowl at> wrote:
>>no for consulting/freelance no stability you're getting screwed.  Here in
>>Vermont i get $50 hour for contracting but then again that's vermont.  In
>>NYC i am not sure of the rates but i am sure you could get more than that ;)
>As a freelancer you gotta get your own equipment, software,
>communications, etc., and ALSO health insurance, liability insurance,
>accountant etc. So you most definitely need to make sure your hourly
>rate makes it possible to fund all the non-salary stuff.
>NYC PHP programmers should make a minimum of $50/hr, and I get offers
>up to $120.
>Short-term projects of real high import are the $120/hr variety, and
>the longer term projects are typically of the $50-75/hr variety.
>This is all from my direct experience, which is questionable at best :-)
>-- Mitch
As a frequent employer of consulting programmers (not so much php, but 
similar) I agree. I run the IS department at a Museum ... a non-profit. 
$40 is what we pay consulting IT people and programmers when we beg them 
to work cheaper because we're poor and they go for it; $60-70 is more 
typical; and $125 is not unheard of (though we can only pay it in rare, 
extremely well-funded circumstances and for engagements with strict 
completion requirements).

But they other thing I will say: we /always/ advertise a job for the 
lowest amount we think we can possibly get, and we /expect/ talented and 
experienced people to request higher pay. Just because it says $35-45, 
it doesn't mean that's the best they'll do.

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