[nycphp-talk] [OT] Anybody hosting IRC?

Hans Zaunere lists at
Fri Jun 3 12:55:24 EDT 2005

> Today we (Mambo core developers) learned that our IRC server was going
> offline for good. It was provided gratis, so we couldn't complain :-)
> The question has been posed, "What now?" Is there anyone here that
> would be interested in providing IRC services for the Mambo project?
> I'd donate the servers myself, but the hosting center forbids IRC :-(

New York PHP would have the bandwidth/server to do this.  However, we'd need someone with experience to set and maintain the IRC server software itself.  If this is something to discuss, ping me off list.

An alternative, as Joe mentioned, would be freenode - they have a nice network.

Hans Zaunere
President, Founder

New York PHP

AMP Technology
Supporting Apache, MySQL and PHP

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