[nycphp-talk] [ OT ] Zend Certification Book (Typos & Errors)

Tom Melendez tom at
Tue Jun 28 15:56:24 EDT 2005

Hi Leila,

You probably need to enable asp_tags in php.ini!


Leila Lappin wrote:

>--- Joseph Crawford <codebowl at> wrote:
>>page 7
>>says php supports 3 different sets of tags then
>>lists the 4 sets <?php ?>, 
>><% %>, <? ?>, <script language="php"> </script>
>>page 10 paragraph 1
>>but it could also contain arbitrary binary data,
>>such as the contents of a 
>>JPEG image OF a MIDI file
>>(i think the OF should be OR)
>>those are the first 2 i saw but then again i was
>>just skimming too.
>>Joseph Crawford Jr.
>>Codebowl Solutions, Inc.
>>codebowl at
>>New York PHP Talk Mailing List
>>AMP Technology
>>Supporting Apache, MySQL and PHP
>So could someone please clarify what is true?  Does
>PHP support <% %> and <script language="php">and
></script>.  I tried <% %> and it didn't work.   So I
>just figured that there was an error in that paragraph
>and left at that.
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