[nycphp-talk] Bitwise Operators

David Mintz dmintz at
Wed Jun 29 09:21:05 EDT 2005

On Wed, 29 Jun 2005, Daniel Krook wrote:

> > Incidentally, I welcomed Joe's first comment in this thread --
> > essentially, "I don't know from bits" -- because neither
> > do I, really. (-:
> > It seems you can program PHP for years without (knowingly)
> > shifting any bits.
> Agreed, the only time I ever encountered a need for understanding bits and
> bitwise operators was the Sun Java Programmer 1.4 exam (and they're
> apparently no longer included on the 5.0/1.5 exam).

Same here. I sweated over bits in preparation for that very exam.  There
was just one itty-bitty question (sorry), and it was easy. I wonder how
many Qs there are about them on the PHP exam.

David Mintz

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