[nycphp-talk] Php Framework

inforequest 1j0lkq002 at
Fri Mar 4 14:06:15 EST 2005

Chris Bielanski |nyphp dev/internal group use| wrote:

>Isn't this some of the case argued for STL in C++? If it's a similar case at all, then, like C++, it could be 15+ years before all the interfaces can be
>defined, ratified and developed.
brings back painful memories.

When introduced as a solution, C++ IOStreams were breathtaking in 
concept. But implementations that worked were just as proprietary as 
anything else (my perspective anyway). I gave up with it all after too 
many hours juggling the "stable" outdated MFC (no templates), the Draft 
ANSI standard (emerging STL), and  the fact that  comercial products at 
the time  handled the problem by picking ONE compiler  to support  (in 
my case it was.... WATCOM !).

I think the solution is to be the boss. That way you can define the 
interface and all the code will always work with it :-)


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