[nycphp-talk] PHP-GTK install how-to for Linux

Jayesh Sheth jayeshsh at
Mon Mar 7 11:23:10 EST 2005

Hello all,

I find PHP-GTK to be very cool, but very difficult to install on Linux. 
It was, in contrast, very easy to install on Windows.

I have written up a detailed tutorial on how to do it on Xandros Linux 
2.0 (Debian-based).

I did this to spare myself (and others) the agony of trying to compile 
it without knowing what all the requirements and procedures all.
Also - PHP-GTK 1.0.1 has a nasty bug that results in make errors unless 
it is patched before the configure stage.

These details, and more can be found at:

Best regards,

- Jay Sheth

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