[nycphp-talk] A chance to contribute LAMP/ PHP expertise?

Hans Zaunere lists at
Tue Mar 8 14:53:04 EST 2005

> Maybe OT but I don't think so.
> WordPress recently updated to 1.5 and it is a well-liked FOSS PHP/MySQL
> app.
> Lately various users have been noting system-level problems, including
> high CPU load and large numbers of simultaneous MySQL connections, and
> several bloggers have been dumped by their hosts due to resource abuse
> on shared servers.
> The developers are discussing the issue and from the latest posts that
> comment on how hard PHP canbe to debug (see the bottom of the page), I
> am betting they could use a wee bit of the high-powered NYPHP LAMP
> expertise  I see up here every week.
> Anybody care to help "solve the problem" ?

Sure - NYPHP is $150/hour :)


Without digging into their queries, schema, and code, it's probably one or more of these things:

-- poor indexing
-- poor use of the MySQL database handle
-- poor programming; perhaps they are copying around large arrays/objects
-- recursive queries; throwing hundreds of queries at the database that could be done with a simple join (probably the result of a programming error or bad design)

It's hard to say without knowing more.  Feel free to invite them on the list and provide some details (where the resource bottleneck is, MySQL or Apache?).  I'm sure it'd be a great learning experience for us all.

Hans Zaunere
President, Founder

New York PHP

AMP Technology
Supporting Apache, MySQL and PHP

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