[nycphp-talk] questions --

Yury :: heavenspa Web Services yury at
Fri Mar 11 17:16:12 EST 2005

hi folks..

I have some questions, maybe someone can offer some good suggestions.

-i have a client who is a photolab, he want to offer his clients the ability 
to upload their images to him. My solution was building a website, using php 
to let his clients upload the files. Files can be anywhere from 1 meg to 15 
megs - EACH.

I found a inexpensive phpupload script with great functionality.

There are a few issues -- 
- since the files are large -- php.ini by default lets you upload 2meg files
- uploading such huge files could timeout while uploading..

question: is there a way around these 2 issues?

next - the client also asked about automating the files to download to his 
internal computers.. Is there anything out there that could do such a thing?

Has anyone worked on anything like this before.. any ideas- 

thanks in advance.

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