[nycphp-talk] questions --

inforequest 1j0lkq002 at
Fri Mar 11 20:55:30 EST 2005

Yury :: heavenspa Web Services |nyphp dev/internal 
group use| wrote:

> hi folks..
> I have some questions, maybe someone can offer some good suggestions.
> -i have a client who is a photolab, he want to offer his clients the 
> ability to upload their images to him. My solution was building a 
> website, using php to let his clients upload the files. Files can be 
> anywhere from 1 meg to 15 megs - EACH.
> I found a inexpensive phpupload script with great functionality.
> There are a few issues -- - since the files are large -- php.ini by 
> default lets you upload 2meg files
> - uploading such huge files could timeout while uploading..
> question: is there a way around these 2 issues?
> next - the client also asked about automating the files to download to 
> his internal computers.. Is there anything out there that could do 
> such a thing?
> Has anyone worked on anything like this before.. any ideas- 
> sugestions-comments?
> thanks in advance.
> regards
> yury
> _

I don't know the coders personally, but you might look at 
for an example. They provide a choice of just about all the ways to do 
it.... I grew up with them as a photo site and it was kind of painful as 
they figure out ways to do it over the past few years:

java applet if your browser can handle it, one-at-a-time html uploads, 
multiple-selects via JS for html upload, FTP via browser, progress bar 
via refresh (PHP or other), ActiveX component, etc.

Now it's easy and files can be huge. The latest work is a full API which 
resulted in users building cool tools like a Windows Explorer drag 'n 
drop tool and web services for uploading/downloading entire galleries. 
One person even built a scraper as a means of backing up his library, 
thumbnails and all  (that project might have prompted the opening of the 
API :-)

-=john andrews

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