[nycphp-talk] Q: Authenticating XML Data Exchange

Andrew Yochum andrew at
Wed Mar 16 14:57:45 EST 2005

On Wed, Mar 16, 2005 at 12:17:59PM -0500, John Nunez wrote:
> How can I make sure that the data I get back is from the fulfillment 
> center's server? Can SOAP be used over SSL?  I am reading a few 
> tutorials on SOAP and I can get Google and Amazon's Web Services 
> working but what about security?

Sure, SOAP can be used over SSL encrypted HTTP.  SOAP messages are just
that, messages, and can and have been delivered by nearly any method,
including http(s), smtp, jabber, and if you're truly desparate, even
smoke signals.  The point is that SOAP is not tied to the transport
mechanism.  Your SOAP library or framework will be the limiting factor
in what means it is able to exchange mesages.


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