[nycphp-talk] stupid curly quotes

Wai Siow rs234 at
Wed Mar 16 17:15:01 EST 2005

preg_replace would be the best i think... then u can just use a regexp like

[^a-zA-Z0-9\-\s\.\,]* to replace all the non-alpha numerical (excluding a
few exceptions like punctuations) with anything u want...

note: the regexp is just an example... so there might be typos and
stuff... read the doc on regexp to create one that will suit your needs

- Ray

> Hi there.
> I should have clarified that I mean situations where the end-user is
> not under your control; specifically, when text is pasted from Word
> into an HTML form.
>>This is an old problem that I am again searching for the prefect solution
>> to.
>>How do people here handle stripping crap like curly quotes out of
>>text that users are pasting from Microsoft Word?
>>Any pointers or advice are welcome...:)
> Cheers,
> --
> Marc Antony Vose
> Never underestimate the power of human stupidity.
> -- Lazarus Long
> _______________________________________________
> New York PHP Talk Mailing List
> AMP Technology
> Supporting Apache, MySQL and PHP

Wai (Raymond) Siow
Web Application Developer / Programmer
Web Development Team
Cornell Cooperative Extension
Email: r s two three four at cornell dot edu
Phone: (six-o-seven) two-five-five-seven-nine-four-nine

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