[nycphp-talk] gentoo (vs) fedora

Mitch Pirtle mitch.pirtle at
Sat Mar 19 14:56:37 EST 2005

On Fri, 18 Mar 2005 17:00:15 -0500 (EST), Peter Lehrer <pl at> wrote:
> Cool. I have a live CD ubuntu disk that I can try on windows and an
> install disk. I will try them out. I think that Ubuntu is based on debian
> like Gentoo.

Ubuntu is Debian-based, and Gentoo is completely different (based on
ports, more like a linux-*bsd hybrid).

Ubuntu is coming out with a major upgrade that is really easy to use,
and if you want a commercial desktop (for cranky laptop hardware, for
example) Xandros is a great debian-based distro.

I'm putting Xandros on my laptop when I get the chance, and also found
that GNOME's LiveCD of GNOME 2.10 works great - it is apparently
ubuntu-based IIRC.

-- Mitch

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