[nycphp-talk] PEAR::DB prepare() and executeMultiple()

Jeff Loiselle jeff.loiselle at
Tue Mar 22 13:23:00 EST 2005

> > Prepare/execute doesn't improve portability.

I had thought that using prepare() and execute() increased portability
due to this line in the documentation:

"Another place prepare/execute is useful is supporting databases which
have different SQL syntaxes."

>> Plus, I have a feeling you are wasting resources.

I felt this way too, but I thought that portability was more
important. I know I could just escape the vars, hard code the SQL and
execute the query.

I did end up testing the commit() and it worked just fine. I know I
didn't even have to ask, I did just end up testing it. Though, at
first I wasn't exactly sure how I was going to approach it, being as
it was my first time using a transaction. :-)

Thanks for all your help.

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