[nycphp-talk] PHP Quebec

Chris Shiflett shiflett at
Fri Mar 25 13:49:01 EST 2005

Jeff Loiselle wrote:
> So at the last meeting, some of you poisoned my mind by suggesting
> that PHP: Quebec would be a good time. :-) So now I am considering
> planning a trip up there. It's only a 7 hour drive from where I am in
> Connecticut. This would be my first trip to Canada. I've been just
> about everywhere else, but Canada is still uncharted territory for me.
> Think it's too late to register or scam my way in as a student? ;-)
> Anyone else going as a speaker or not?

I've never been, but Adam spoke well of last year's event, and I'm 
planning on having fun, if that counts for anything. :-)


Chris Shiflett
Brain Bulb, The PHP Consultancy

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